Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Entrepreneurial Socialism

I very much enjoy getting into political conversations with people who don't know me. I think of these as intellectual ambushes. My favorite target is conservatives, particularly the economic ones, but most GWLs fall for the bait, too.

If I say the words "national healthcare" or "public schools" without derision, I unerringly find a conversation. It usually goes something like this:

"I think a national system like in the rest of the industrialized world might not be a bad idea."

"Oh, great, more taxes to pay more beauracracy. You pinkos just love to raise taxes 'cuz you're never the one payin' em."

"Oh, you're probably right. Hey, what's your experience rate?"

"My what?"

"Your experience rate. Most states calculate a business's unemployment tax based on their history, or experience, in hiring, firing and laying off. Mine is 2.25%, but I'm a new business. Hell, I don't even know if that's high or low. What's yours?"

"I dunno. My company pays it."

"What, you're not an employer? What the hell do you know about paying taxes. I pay enough taxes to whine like a Republican. But I don't whine. I pay my share and them pour myself a nice cup of STFU."

"Oh, I..."

"Frankly, I'm not so concerned about what I pay. I'm pissed about what we get in return. Overseas wars and trickle down..."

And so on.

Do yourself the favor: start a business, pay your taxes and then ambush unsuspecting losers. It's great.


Blogger Hank Mehle said...

but by ambushing people you are being antagonistic, which makes them defensive and less likely to change their mind. What's the goal? Don't you want to bring them over to the side?;-0

5:57 AM  
Blogger Frymaster Speck said...

Maybe...there's a long line of people who find my tactics annoying.

What I'm after, though, is that 180-degree doubletake. Get 'em focusing on traditional lefty takes, and then sneak up behind with the whole business savvy.

5:54 AM  
Blogger Hank Mehle said...

If you want to change the world then you need a long line of people following you, not a long line of people who are annoyed at you.

Just a thought.

7:43 AM  
Blogger Frymaster Speck said...

A sudden bold and unexpected question doth many times surprise a man and lay him open. -Francis Bacon-

4:00 AM  

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