Monday, December 26, 2005

Own the State

Know how commies are all "Smash the State" and such? I'm not crazy about cleaning up all that broken glass, so I have a better idea: Own the State.

Either way, the workers end up owning the means of production. And, my way, the means of production won't be on fire.

The hard part is not becoming the bourgeoise in the process. Clearly, it can be done with companies like Ben & Jerry, Starbucks, Costco, etc. proving that businesses don't have to screw the workers to make a buck.

But it is, oh, so tempting to take that little bit extra for yourself. I mean, "that little two percent is just sitting there kinda lonely. It'd probably be happier over here with these other percents."

But we will show discipline and hold ranks. It doesn't take a tremendous amount of wealth to leverage some serious reform. The key is to concentrate the force in a specific area like a particular a market niche or set of interrelated issues.

The important initial goals are to prove the value of progressive ecomonics in a free-market environment. (What the hell does that mean? Somebody tell me.) Only demonstrated success will create the mindset where socially conscious reform is again an accepted mainstream idea.


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