Thursday, January 05, 2006

Disappearring Industrial Accidents

Amid all the heartbreak of the Sago explosion, all the bungling, all the profiteering, I was reminded of another industrial accident -- a fire at a chicken processing plant, an Imperial Chicken plant in Hamlet, NC. It killed 25 low-wage workers on September 5, 1991.

Funny, er, not at all funny thing -- that outrageous crime turned into a figment of the liberal elite's imagination. It has largely disappeared from the MSM.

My Google searches for relevant phrases like 'imperial chicken 9/5/91' turn up tens of links. TENS! And they're from sources like Maoist International Monthly, from which much of what follows is drawn. Great thing about the Commies; they always give you footnotes.

Searches for 'imperial foods fire' delivered many useful links mostly coming from educators, fire prevention groups and unions. Here are two particularly chilling accounts:
I guess it's not surprising that the MSM, Wall St., and, especially, the progressive government in NC, don't want to talk about the Good Ole Boys policies that led to the deaths. Or the palty $800k fine that Imperial paid. (Yes, the owner served 4 yrs., but his son, the Operating Manager, walked.)

Anyway, here's a highly edited version of the MIM piece. This is the non-spun, basic reality part of the story. Scares me stupid. But the AP/Time stuff from the education site is the scariest:

by MA20

...lead para sucks [ed.]...

...[unsustantiated but probably accurate assertions about race- and gender-based hiring, ed,] and the plants choose their locations based on the availability of cheap labor. Imperial Foods opened in the early 1980s, initially employing more than 250 people, making it Hamlet's second largest employer. Hamlet is a town of 6,900 in south-central North Carolina.(2) ...blah blah blah which is one of the reasons that the plant was never inspected...

...more partisan sniping...

No ethnic or national breakdown of the victims has been released by the bourgeois media [read MSM, ed.], to MIM's knowledge. But news reports confirm our suspicions. "Most of the 90 workers caught in the fire were Black, said friends, relatives and onlookers."(2) A relative and friend of many of the fire's victims, Doris Fairley, "said she's convinced that because so many plant workers were Black, improper safety procedures were tolerated."(3) One of Fairley's relatives, Peggy Anderson, who died in the blaze, "stopped by every day after work ... and talked about how the bosses yelled at her and kept up pressure to produce."(3)

The average hourly wage at the plant was $5. "Working conditions are unsanitary, pay is poor and complaints about malfunctioning equipment are sometimes ignored."(2) "The people here care more about the chickens than they do about people," said one Hamlet resident.(1)

Many of the exit doors at the plant were either locked or blocked. One door marked "Fire Exit" was actually a broom closet.(4) Trapped workers, firefighters and passersby had to kick open one door, cut a lock off another, and remove a trash bin and a tractor trailer which were blocking other escape paths. Twenty-two workers
died inside the plant, and three others died after escaping the toxic fumes of the fire-engulfed structure.(3)

1. National Public Radio 9/6/91.
2. Winston-Salem Journal 9/4/91, p. 4.
3. Greensboro News and Record 9/5/91, p. 8.
4. NBC News affiliate 9/4/91.

* * *


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh that's not what upset me,what upset me is the damn man(owner)only got four years manslaughter but when the fire happened he supposedly ran off to get help you know he had the keys to all the locked padlocked doors he could have unlocked them and sent someone else off to get help and who would lock a door from the outside anyways if he had the locks anywhere it should have been on the inside for someone to lock it outrages me he only served four of his 19 years in ail for 25 deaths he killed more than 25 if you count the heartache death he basically killed the county itself and the chief Fuller who didn't accept help from the dobbin heights fire department when a fire and help is involved you can never never ever have too much hep cause in cases like this more help was needed

5:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did the owner run off after he was freed ? That shows nothing is taking seriously there is still justice to be served no one ever talks about the "supposed called accident" because it brings up heartache but it needs to be told because you don't have to put up with the bullshit .He caused the accident because he didn't called the inspectors or have the place inspected so that's basically saying hey "I don't give a damn bout nobody!"

5:49 AM  

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