Sunday, April 23, 2006

Managers That Hire Undocumented Workers Get Jail

Well, we'll see what ends up happening, but there are some pretty unhappy manangers at IFCO. Homeland Security raided offices of the Houston-based, pallet-making company, arresting managers and undocumented workers.

This Boston Globe story is pretty good. You'll note a healthy amount of skepticism from pretty much all sides. Nobody thinks the Bushies are serious. In fact, some think this is to undermine a more stringent enforcement program rumbling around in Congress.

Loathe as I am to say anything good about the Bush administration and with all due skepticism, still I have to say that this is the right thing to do.

Here's some comments between Tas and I regarding his post on Loaded Mouth that calls for exactly this kind of action. Regardless of whether this is the start of something completely insignificant, I think it deserves recongition.

If only so we can stomp with both feet when the cave in the face of pre$$ure from companies that make something more critical than pallets.


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